On the 21st to the 24th of January, 2020, Women Enabled International organised a regional convening to advance advocacy for the rights of women and girls with disabilities in the region of south and southeast asia. Approximately 22 activists from around 12 countries who were predominantly women with disabilities were invited to work together and set shared regional priorities. Our founder and executive director, Nidhi Goyal, opened this convening by presenting and facilitating the ‘Regional priority discussion and objective setting’ for the four days.
We also actively discussed issues such as sexual and reproductive health and rightsviolations and gender-based violence against women with disabilities, Disability Inclusivity in Humanitarian Settings as well as how to better engage a diverse community of women with different disabilities and establish cross-movement coalitions. At the end of the four days, the group laid out shared action agendas including increased participation in global discourses, increase in regional collaborations and so on.