Lead. Grow. Change.

Winner of the National Award for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities 2019 an image of gold medal with a star in its center with two blue ribbons hanging from the bottom


Nidhi goyal smiling and holding the mic. on her right sits srinidhi raghavan and harpriti reddy. on her left sits nipun malhotra. sign language interpreter stands on the left



Disability. Gender. Diversity. Inclusion.

We are a not-for-profit organisation based in India and we work for rights of persons with disabilities, particularly women and youth with disabilities. We want people with disabilities, specially those standing at multiple intersections, to have a voice, have a space, be heard and lead from the front.

We strive towards social integration; we hope to build a world where everyone lives with dignity, respect and lives a life free from discrimination, violence, and abuse; We want the human rights of people with disabilities to be recognized and realized.

We want women and youth with disabilities to lead, grow, and change – Change the world with us.