
Vaccine Registration Drive for People With Disabilities

Vaccine Registration Drive for People With Disabilities

Rising Flame provided support to people with disabilities who wanted to register online for Covid Vaccination and would need assistance during the months of May 2021 and June 2021. This support was provided for the cities of Mumbai, Thane, Navi Mumbai and Delhi-NCR region. This support was only open for people with disabilities and their families or caregivers.

During these months, we provided the service to 80 callers from Mumbai, Thane and Navi Mumbai and 52 callers from the Delhi-NCR region. 

Some of the challenges faced by people with disabilities while attempting to get the vaccine are:

  • Website wasn’t accessible, especially the OTP and Captcha verification.
  • Had to wait long as slots were not available in their area and they could not travel long distances due to lack of transportation facility.
  • One person didn't have an Aadhar card or necessary documents to register themselves on Cowin as they were an amputee and were unable to complete biometric verification.

Our support did prove useful to many individuals. Some of them shared their stories with us.

"Practically impossible to get a slot for 18+, I have been continually trying to get a slot for my autistic son, Nano, for days, but just wasn’t getting one. I approached Rising Flame and they had 24-hour alerts on vacant slots & called as soon as they found a facility open. I got a call last evening, they booked on my phone no. where Nano was already registered by me, & told them the OTP. It was done! I would like to thank Rising Flame for this, & specially compliment their members & volunteers for the sensitivity & efficiency demonstrated in helping people with disabilities."

Indrani & Arjun Basu, South Delhi

I would like to thank the Rising Flame organization for helping me search for a vaccination center in Delhi. The team is doing tremendous work for disabled people.

 Rakesh Anand, West Delhi

I would like to express my gratitude to Rising Flame for assisting me in booking my slot in a hospital. Thank you team for cooperating with me and helping me get vaccinated.

 Sameer Chakraborty, Delhi