On the 17th of April, CREA organised an online discussion titled, ‘The Ethics of Our Advocacy’. The panelists included alumni from Crea’s institutes - founder and executive director Nidhi Goyal, queer feminist and director of policy and programs at Athlete Ally, Anne Lieberman, and program officer with the Open Society Foundation, Julia Lukomnik.
The discussion was moderated by Subha Wijesiriwardena, Manager of Programs and Innovation at Crea. The discussion centered on the ethical questions and dilemmas that activists face in their work and their advocacy.
Nidhi Goyal highlighted the ethical dilemmas she faced in field research around disability and consent particularly when interacting with women standing at other intersections of identity. She also outlined the faultlines working at the intersections of several movements, and shared the dilemma of negotiating spaces for issues beyond tokenistic inclusions.