On the 26th of August, 2020, Prosus Ventures launched Social Impact Challenge for Accessibility (SICA). Prosus SICA was developed in partnership with Invest India, to identify innovative startups providing assistive technology solutions for persons with disabilities. Panellists on this discussion included Manoj Kumar, CEO, Social Alpha, Deepak Bagla, CEO, Invest India, Shanti Raghavan, Founder, Enable India, Nipun Malhotra, Nipman Foundation, Tom Clancy, Vice President & Global Head of Talent, Prosus Group and Nidhi Goyal, founder and executive director, Rising Flame. The panel was moderated by Shradha Sharma,
Founder of YourStory. The discussion focused on the urgent need to support startups in the assistive technology space as well as conveying the potential of the market to already active players. The panellists weighed in on the need of creating products with an empathetic and human centric approach and moving past the charity model to the social model to identify barriers and build solutions. Nidhi Goyal stressed on the importance of engaging with the disability community to build these products and see persons with disabilities as active contributers to and consumers of the society.