October, 2019
On October 11th 2019, Partos & The Spindle organised the 6th Innovation Festival to celebrate innovation and inclusion in development cooperation. The annual festival is attended by NGOs, civil society leaders, researchers, social entrepreneurs, funders, government and the private sector who come together to share ideas, inspiration & new trends.
Among the keynote speakers were Yetnebersh Nigussie, a 37-year-old Ethiopian lawyer and an outstanding advocate for disability inclusion and gender equality, and Rising Flame’s founder and executive director Nidhi Goyal. The Festival featured talks on themes such as ‘Future in Cities’, ‘NGO and inclusive business partnerships’, ‘Target group-led advocacy’ and ‘Inclusive story-telling’ which was facilitated by Nidhi. The aim of all the talks and workshops was to strive for an inclusive, sustainable and just world with equal access and opportunities for everyone.