
National Commission for Women (NCW)

National Commission for Women (NCW)

MAY 2018

On May 10, 2018, Rising Flame conducted a training on gender, disability, violence and laws, for the National Commission for Women. Participants included all Chairpersons of the State Commissions and a few National Commission members including the Chairperson.

This work is informed by cutting edge research conducted by Rising Flame Director, Nidhi Goyal as a Disability Rights Division Consultant for Human Rights Watch.

Five years after criminal law amendments in India addressed the needs of women and girls with disabilities, this research includes over 100 interviews, following 17 cases of rape and gang rape of women and girls with disabilities through the various stages of the justice system: reporting to police, obtaining medical treatment, navigating courts, and securing compensation.

The first to consider the specific needs of women and girls with in cases of sexual violence, over two years of research, this report addressed a range of critical issues: high risk of sexual violence in India; and stigma around sexuality and disability that undermines access to justice at all stages of the process.