
Inter-generational dialogue | International Centre for Ethnic Studies

Inter-generational dialogue | International Centre for Ethnic Studies

A feminist brainstorming and Inter-Generational Dialogue was conducted by the International Centre for Ethnic Studies in partnership with Women and Media Collective in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 5th and 6th March 2020. As a part of this brainstorming and dialogue, our senior programmes consultant, Srinidhi Raghavan participated on a panel to address how digital spaces are being reclaimed by many, including disabled women and focussed on the work that Rising Flame has undertaken in reclaiming digital spaces. The panel had participants from Pakistan, Nepal and Sri Lanka who shared the experiences of women and other genders of using the internet, the role the governments play and how safe spaces are being built in these countries. As a result of a brainstorming and an inter-generational dialogue among participants from Sri Lanka, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal, a common Declaration was drafted and debated among everyone. Her inputs were integral in shaping some of the conversations at the convening on how disability and gender intersect with each other.