Rising Flame in partnership with Sightsavers undertook a research, in May and June, 2020 on women with disabilities during the COVID crisis in India.
The report captures the experiences of women with disabilities across India during the COVID crisis, the consequent lockdown and the current unlock phases. We have gathered data from over 80 women with disabilities and in total 94 experts and women themselves to record narratives around issues of access, food, health, education, employment, social protection, abuse, violence, and psychological and emotional impact. We will be sharing our findings – as the only report in India specifically on gender, disability, and COVID19 – on 14th of July 2020 from 3pm to 5.00pm.
Through spotlighting the effects of this crisis on women with disabilities and through solid recommendations, we invite relevant stakeholders, interested parties and media professionals to ensure that going forward women with disabilities are not left behind.
The launch is open to all but prior registration is requested. Please do register at (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/18OFsWbsOloMSOrfIjODJv0Jvgl7OvoE9lRWk5hp_bXs/viewform?edit_requested=true). Details for the launch will be provided on email after registration.
The launch call will have Indian sign language and close captioning.
The agenda for the launch is:
Date: 14th July 2020
Time: 3pm to 5.00pm
3pm to 3.15pm: Welcome by Rising Flame and Sightsavers
3.15pm to 3.20pm: Unveiling of the report
3.20pm to 3.50pm: Key Findings and recommendations – Presentation of the Report
Testimony by Research participant and Deputy Manager – Axis Bank; Member – National Association of the Deaf Youth Section, Geeta Hasija
Presentations by Nidhi Goyal, Executive Director, Rising Flame
And Ketan Kothari, Advocacy manager, Sightsavers
3.50 pm to 4.50pm: Panel – Building back better: disability, gender and COVID crisis in India
Panellists: Nidhi Goyal (moderator),
Anuradha Pareekh, Sajag Divyang Sewa Samiti, DPO Leader
Radhika Alkazi, Founder and Managing Trustee, ASTHA,
Meenakshi Balasubramanian, from EQUALS Centre for Promotion of Social Justice
Nishtha Satyam, Deputy Country Representative for UN Women
(Including Q & A and interaction session)
4.50 pm to 5.00pm: Vote of thanks by Srinidhi Raghavan, Senior Programmes Consultant, Rising Flame
You can watch the launch live on YouTube.
Women with disabilities mostly the tribals from the north eastern region of the countryare always deprived of their rights and left out today from air any government programs due to lack of awareness and unavailing off disability certificates they are not even recognise