
Partners’ Forum 2018

Partners’ Forum 2018

December 2018

On December 12, 2018, the World Health Organisation with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India organized and hosted the Partners’ Forum 2018, 2 day long forum which brought together 1,200 partners across disciplines dedicated to the Every Woman Every Child (EWEC) movement and the achievement of the UN Secretary General’s Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health (Global Strategy).

Founder Director Nidhi Goyal was invited to speak on the session titled “Catalyzing joint actions for sustaining and scaling multi-sectoral collaborations for quality, equity and dignity for all women and children”.

Partners' Forum - Delhi - December - 2018: Nidhi is sitting behind a table and speaking into the microphone. In front of is her name tag and in front of the table there is a row white flowers, below that there is a row of red flowers and below that there is a row of yellow flowers. Behind Nidhi there are two vertical flags hanging, one is pink in colour and the other is green.

She spoke alongside Vandana Gurnani, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India, HE Dr. Poch Bunnak, Secretary of State (deputy Minister), Ministry of Planning Cambodia Ms Franka Cadee (ICM (midwifery) and Tore Laerdal, Laerdal Foundation.

Nidhi’s interventions emphasized on reproductive and maternal health for and rights of women with disabilities and highlighted lived realities of women and adolescents with disabilities around their sexual and reproductive health and rights.


Partners' Forum - Delhi - December - 2018: Most of the image is a screen with a white background on which on the left side it is written: Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India. On the right it is written, The Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. At the centre is a logo and beside that it is written, Partners’ Forum 2018 12-13 December. Below the screen, six people are sitting at a panel. Nidhi is sitting on the extreme right and is speaking into the microphone. Below the panel table there is a row of white flowers.