Rising Flame was a co-organiser of the day-long Symposium on ‘Global Reproductive Politics, Reproductive Justice and Limitations of Law’ that took place on 11 May 2022, alongside Transmen Collective, Sruti Disability Rights Centre, TransCare India, ARROW, Center for Reproductive Rights, CommonHealth, Jindal Global Law School, and Centre for Justice, Law and Society.
There were two panels, titled ‘Decriminalising Abortion: Towards A Rights-Based Approach’ and ‘Reproductive Justice: A Discourse In Centering Access’ respectively. Panel 1 was moderated by Andrea Parra (Queer Attorney, Feminist Legal Activist, and Experiential Trainer – Colombia) with speakers Agnieska Krol (Manager, Programs and Innovation, CREA – Poland), Alicia Yamin (Lecturer of Law, Senior Fellow, Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Harvard Law School – Argentina/USA), Clara Rita Padilla (Founder and Executive Director, EnGendeRights – Philippines) and Phylis Mbeke Ndolo (Executive Director, Women Spaces Africa – Kenya).
Panel 2 was moderated by Rupsa Mallik (India) with speakers Blas Radi (Researcher, Argentinian Society of Philosophical Analysis, Human Rights Activist – Argentina), Maria Ni Fhlatharta (Re(al) Productive Justice Project, Centre for Disability Law and Policy – Ireland), Mytheli Sreenivas (Associate Professor of History, Gender and Sexuality Studies, Ohio State University – India/USA) and Nikita Sonavane (Co-Founder, Criminal Justice and Police Accountability Project, Editorial Board, Article 14 and Law and Other Things – India)
Live translations were available in International Sign Language, Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, French and Spanish.