
Recommendations for ‘National Disability Policy 2022’ organised by Rising Flame and UN India

Recommendations for ‘National Disability Policy 2022’ organised by Rising Flame and UN India

The Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, in an effort to fulfill the requirements stipulated under the UNCRPD and the RPWD Act, 2016, published a draft disability policy in June 2022. To ensure that all stakeholders are consulted and involved in the drafting of this policy, the Department invited members of the public – specifically persons with disabilities themselves, to review and comment on the document, and share the inputs they have based on their experiences and expertise.

Rising Flame in collaboration with the UN in India conducted a national online consultation on the new Draft National Policy 2022 for Persons with Disabilities on July 1, 2022. Through this policy we sought to assist the policymakers in the process by inviting relevant stakeholders including activists, persons with disabilities, NGOs, DPOs, academicians, think tanks, multilateral agencies, etc from across the country to a consultation.

Our collective recommendations with inputs from over 55 stakeholders urge the finalised disability policy to have stronger connections inter-departmentally and further or implement the rights enshrined in The Rights of Persons With Disabilities (RPwD) Act, 2016. It recommends the policy to be more ambitious in its vision while providing specifics at the same time. We also made recommendations to include provisions and specifics for rights of women, gender marginalised people with disabilities and children with disabilities throughout the policy because of their heightened vulnerabilities.

We also made recommendations for the policy to encourage and make provisions for full and meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in development of plans and policies, and other forums.

You can read/download all the recommendations here.