
Ask Me; Don’t Assume

Ask Me; Don’t Assume

Rising Flame’s unique event series Ask Me; Don’t Assume is a personal, interactive, and intimate event which creates a safe and open space for people to engage with persons with disabilities and other diversities without hesitation, fear, inhibitions or political correctness. We believe open conversations and awareness are the first steps to social inclusion.

Through this series of small and personal events, we have reached 105 people in person, most of them youth.

Ask Me; Don't Assume - Mumbai - February - 2018: This is a poster for the event Ask Me. don’t Assume. It has the following text: On top is the heading Ask Me, Don’t Assume. Below that is. Have you been uncertain to Ask these questions? The speakers were Nidhi goyal, Sharan Pawar and Kamlesh Gade.

Ask Me; Don’t Assume sessions:

February 23, 2018 at the JJ College of Architecture.
Panelists: Nidhi Goyal, Sharang Pawar, and Kamlesh Gade.

October 15, 2017 with the Blue Ribbon Team in Mumbai

On December 3 2018 we took this event online. We digitally hosted ask me don’t assume in collaboration with the digital magazine First Post. And the reach as intended was immense!  In a month the video conversation had over 60000 views.

Priti Shetty, co – founder of The Pitch on Wheels and a wheelchair user along with Nidhi Goyal sat across the camera to answer some of the bizarre questions that they encounter in their daily lives.

Ask Me; Don't Assume - Mumbai-October-2017: This is a group of photo of over 20 people posing together for the camera. Some are standing at the back and those in the front are sitting. The background walls are blue in colour.