
#16DaysOfActivism 2022: Disabled N’ Visible!

#16DaysOfActivism 2022: Disabled N’ Visible!

White background with Rising Flame logo on the top right corner and #16DaysOfActivism2022 on the top left corner. On the bottom left corner is a femme person in a saree with an amputated arm. On the bottom right corner is a woman in short hair wearing shorts and using crutches. One of her legs is amputated above the knee. Text in the creative: Disabled N' Visible

Rising Flame conducted a campaign for 16 Days of Activism 2022 — #DisabledNVisible — which revolved around making disabled women and the violence faced by them visible in the overarching narrative of violence faced by women.

The yearly campaign theme for 16 Days 2022 was: “UNITE! Activism to end violence against women and girls” and invited everyone to play their role in ending violence against women and girls, show support and solidarity to women’s rights activists and resist the rollback on women’s rights.

Rising Flame participated in this theme by highlighting the specific vulnerabilities and barriers faced by women with disabilities across multiple spheres — family life, law and justice, online life, and more.

The hashtag #DisabledNVisible aimed to spotlight the experiences and voices of disabled women in a conversation where they are rarely given the importance and attention their issues deserve.

We simplified complex discourse around violence experienced by disabled women by putting together simple ways in which offline and online violence against disabled women could be identified (with examples), highlighted previous relevant conversations on this theme by Rising Flame with other disabled women and disability rights activists, as well as ways to disrupt everyday ableism in language, and much more.

Many organisations and allies supported this endeavour to include the voices of disabled women in the global advocacy against violence faced by women — including BehanBox, Point of View Mumbai, Association of People with Disabilities, and many others.